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4 Anti-Aging Skin Treatments That Don't Require Surgery

Your body changes as you get older. One of the most noticeable ways is the appearance of your skin, which develops fine lines, wrinkles, and hyperpigmented spots (age spots). It also loses elasticity, causing sagging skin, droopy eyelids, and eye bags. 

It used to be that you had to undergo major surgery to reverse the visible signs of aging, but no more. A plethora of anti-aging treatments are available, and none of them involve a scalpel!

At Med Physique Center for Aesthetics in Austin, Texas, our experienced team of aestheticians understands how disquieting it can be to look at your face in the mirror and not see the young person you still feel you are. That’s why we offer an extensive list of advanced, safe, and effective anti-aging treatments that will help you reach your aesthetic goals without the pain of a facelift or other surgical procedure.

A word about skin

Your body naturally produces a fibrous structural protein called collagen that gives your skin its strength and resilience. You have a plentiful supply when you’re young, but after age 25, production begins to decrease. Additional factors contribute to its depletion, including smoking, environmental pollutants, and the sun’s ultraviolet rays. As a result, your skin can’t maintain its smooth, toned texture, and you develop wrinkles, sags, and rough patches. Anti-aging treatments often target the body’s collagen-producing cells to help regain younger-looking features.

4 anti-aging skin treatments that don’t require surgery

There are many more options than these four, but we feel these work the best for the greatest number of our clients.

1. IPL (intense pulsed light) photofacial

IPL therapy uses a multi-wavelength beam of light directed into the treatment area. The light energy harmlessly penetrates the outer skin layer (epidermis), heating up the middle dermal layer, where collagen and pigment are located. The heat destroys any unwanted pigment, as well as old collagen cells, which causes the skin to restart its production of new collagen. The waste material is flushed from your body over time, and you end up with brighter, tighter skin.

2. Plasma fibroblast therapy

This treatment targets fibroblasts, collagen- and protein-producing cells in the middle skin layer. Fibroblasts are known for their role in helping skin wounds heal, as well as maintaining the skin’s tightness. A pen-like device directs a high-frequency electric current (plasma) at the skin, which creates small holes known as micro-injuries.

According to an article published in 2019, heat damage:

3. Triniti™ laser system

Here at Med Physique Center for Aesthetics, we’re proud to offer the revolutionary Triniti laser skin treatment system in combination with the versatile elos Plus® laser. It provides three advanced skin treatments in one session:

  1. Color correction: improves uneven skin tones, spider veins, and age spots
  2. Contouring: treats fine lines and wrinkles by stimulating new collagen production
  3. Wrinkles and texture: tightens lax skin including eye bags, jowls, and excess skin on the chin and neck

4. Injectables (Botox® and dermal fillers)

Botox uses a form of botulinum toxin to temporarily paralyze nerves and their associated muscles so they’ll relax. Without being able to contract, your muscles can’t pull at the skin above them, and fine lines and wrinkles fade away. Botox is FDA-approved for use on crow’s feet, the horizontal lines on your forehead, and the vertical lines between your eyebrows.

As you age, you also lose volume in your face due to decreased collagen. Dermal fillers like Juvéderm® and Restylane®, work to fill in static wrinkles, those that form from loss of collagen, such as on the lips and in the parentheses-shaped lines around your mouth.

If you want to turn back the hands of time but don’t want any kind of surgery, let us at Med Physique Center for Aesthetics show you what we have to offer. Give our office a call at 512-361-2650 to set up a consultation, or book online with us today.

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