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Top 3 Misconceptions About Dermal Fillers

Everybody needs a little lift sometimes, and as they age, many people turn to dermal fillers to reverse the signs of aging and give themselves a boost of self-confidence. There are many kinds of dermal fillers on the market, but along with them come a bunch of myths and misconceptions.

Here at Med Physique Center for Aesthetics in Austin, Texas, our team of expert aestheticians understands the value of dermal fillers, their various abilities, and their record for safe use. We want to help educate you on dermal fillers as well as debunk the myths surrounding them so you can make an informed choice about this minimally invasive procedure.

What are dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers are injectable gels that provide volume to areas of your face and hands that may have become wrinkled, lax, or hollowed out as you age. Unlike Botox®, which is used to treat wrinkles that come from repeated muscle contractions, dermal fillers treat areas where production of collagen, a protein that gives your skin strength and resiliency, has naturally decreased. The fillers stimulate new collagen production and/or add volume in the treatment areas.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved dermal fillers for a number of different conditions:

The FDA has also approved the following materials for use as dermal fillers:

Debunking the myths

There are numerous misconceptions that surround dermal fillers. Here are the top three.

Myth #1: Any type of filler can be used for any part of your face

While the FDA has approved the use of many dermal fillers, it has only approved certain fillers for certain parts of your face. For example, hyaluronic acid fillers like Juvéderm® add volume by attracting water molecules and binding them to skin cells, smoothing wrinkles and creases, plumping up lips, and reducing the appearance of scars. However, different Juvéderm-brand products are used for each of the different facial areas.

PMMA beads are not biodegradable. This means they’re permanent. Also, they’re only approved for use on the nasolabial folds, which are the creases extending between your nose and the edge of your mouth. While other fillers, such as calcium hydroxyapatite, can also be used on the nasolabial folds, PMMA beads can’t be used elsewhere.

Myth #2: Dermal fillers will permanently alter your face

As we saw in the section on the different filler materials, dermal fillers other than PMMA beads are not permanent. However, they can be long-lasting, depending on the specific type. A good ballpark is 6-12 months.

Since the fillers also trigger collagen production in the deeper skin layers, though, even after the gel’s dissolved you may see a hydrated “glow.” This in no way means that you’ll look stiff or unnatural like a mannequin — you’ll just look like a brighter, healthier you.

Of course, if you don’t like the look the filler has produced, you don’t have to wait until it fully degrades because there’s a reversal enzyme! Just ask your aesthetician for help, and the filler’s effects will disappear.

Myth #3: Dermal filler injections are painful

Some people have a needle phobia and worry about the pain injections might cause. The fact of the matter is that, with fillers, you might not feel much of anything — many people compare it to a mosquito bite or rate it a 2 on a pain scale of 1-10. That’s because the needles are small and thin, like those used when getting a flu vaccine at the doctor’s office.

That said, the American Academy of Dermatology notes that lip injections might require a nerve block injection first, which might pinch. And it’s possible that the main filler injection will sting, too. You can experience some redness or tenderness after the procedure, but applying ice for about 15 minutes should take care of that. There are no lasting effects.

Want to learn more about dermal fillers? Give Med Physique Center for Aesthetics a call at 512-453-7000, or set up a consultation online. We’re here to make the process as easy and painless as possible for you.


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