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How Dermal Fillers Restore Lost Facial Volume and Rejuvenate Your Appearance

How Dermal Fillers Restore Lost Facial Volume and Rejuvenate Your Appearance

If you’re dealing with the visible signs of aging on your skin — deep creases, laxity, and lost volume — you’re probably looking to “de-age” your face, but not necessarily turn to surgery. Fortunately, we have injectable treatments that can resolve your issues quickly and attractively.

At Med Physique Center for Aesthetics in Austin, Texas, our aestheticians use a wide range of dermal fillers to address “static wrinkles” — those caused by the loss of collagen in the skin tissue and subdermal fat that comes with age.

What dermal fillers do

Dermal fillers were first introduced in the 1970s, but they were nothing like what’s available today. One of the first fillers came from bovine collagen; but because the human body considers it a foreign substance, it caused allergic reactions and swelling at the injection site. The results were short-lasting, too.

In the early 2000s, the FDA approved the use of synthetic fillers composed of hyaluronic acid (HA). HA is found naturally and abundantly in our bodies, especially in the skin, where it works to bind and hold moisture. These new products were safer than collagen and lasted longer (about 6-12 months), so they quickly became the fillers of choice. The first HA filler introduced was Restylane®, followed by Juvéderm®.

Restylane adds volume to your skin — specifically to the lips — and also improves moderate-to-severe wrinkles and creases in other facial areas. It’s both biocompatible and biodegradable, and in addition to binding moisture, it fills in the spaces between the collagen and elastin protein fibers, evening skin tone.

Juvéderm consists of a whole line of products, each formulation targeting a different area of the face and hands. These products work in a fashion similar to Restylane.

At Med Physique Center for Aesthetics, we also use dermal fillers from Belotero Balance® and Radiesse®. Belotero is another HA filler, but Radiesse is made from calcium hydroxylapatite, a substance normally found in bones and teeth. It triggers new collagen production at the injection site, restoring volume from the inside out.

Dermal fillers combine well with neurotoxins like Botox®. Unlike dermal fillers, the neurotoxins address “dynamic wrinkles,” those made from repeated facial expressions. Each time you frown, smile, or squint, the muscles tug at the skin above, until the skin no longer bounces back. Botox temporarily paralyzes the muscles by interfering with the nerves that tell them to contract. Without contraction, your skin relaxes, and fine lines and wrinkles disappear.

If you’ve lost volume in your face and have developed wrinkles, hollows, and lax skin, dermal fillers might be the right option for you. To schedule a consultation with one of our aestheticians, give Med Physique Center for Aesthetics a call at 512-212-3142, or book online with us today.

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