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Looking to Slim Your Jawline Before the Holidays? Consider Kybella®

Looking to Slim Your Jawline Before the Holidays? Consider Kybella®

You want the upcoming holidays to be picture-perfect, and you want your appearance to reflect that. However, even though your dieting and exercising have trimmed down most of your body, your jawline still has stubborn pockets of fat.

The pockets, called submental fullness or, more colloquially, a double chin, plague a lot of people, even those with effective diet and exercise plans. You’re in luck, though. Kybella® injections can permanently reduce the fat and slim your jawline.

The expert team of aestheticians here at Med Physique Center for Aesthetics specializes in injectable treatments that boost your appearance and self-esteem, including using Kybella to eliminate your double chin. Here’s why your double chin is resistant to most treatments, and why you should consider Kybella for your aesthetic needs.

What causes a double chin?

Double chins are common, with as many as 68% of people sporting this area of sagging skin surrounding layers of fat. It can be caused by many different factors, including: 

Obviously, there’s not a lot you can do about genetics or where your body stores fat, but you can control some of the contributing factors for a double chin.

DIY and surgical treatments

If you want to lose weight, the best place to start is with a healthy diet and exercise routine, habits you should maintain once you’ve hit your weight loss goal. Unfortunately, those habits may or may not be effective for your double chin, since the body naturally stores fat under the jawline.

Querying Dr. Google about which DIY techniques you should try to trim the submental fat will give you a variety of answers. Stretching exercises that target the chin area are one option. A face mask is another. Some masks, such as those made from coffee, green tea, or glycerin, work to support chin exercises. Others, such as a mixture of egg whites, lemon juice, and honey, tighten the skin in the submental area. However, when you go the DIY route, it’s a crapshoot, and more times than not, you’ll miss the target.

Plastic surgeons use a variety of surgical procedures to reduce a double chin. These include:

  1. Liposuction: sucks out the fat deposits
  2. Face-lift: removes fat and lax skin while tightening underlying support structures
  3. Neck lift: improves neck and chin contours

You can get good results with surgery, but there are serious drawbacks. All the procedures are invasive, require general anesthesia, and cause swelling and bruising that last about two weeks. In addition, if you take blood thinners or smoke, you’re at an increased risk of bleeding both during and after the procedure.

Kybella: changing the appearance of your double chin

Your gallbladder produces the compound deoxycholic acid, which breaks down dietary fat. In April 2015, the FDA approved a synthetic version for the treatment of submental fullness, which is now sold under the brand name Kybella. Here at Med Physique Center for Aesthetics, we rely on it for all our patients looking to ditch their double chins.

Kybella is definitely not a weight loss medication, though, and good candidates should be at or near their ideal weight and have only moderately loose skin. When injected under the chin, Kybella works by destroying fat cells, giving you a slimmer, stronger jawline.

Most people need 2-4 treatments, each spaced a month apart, to see a substantial reduction in their double chin, though some can require up to six sessions to realize their aesthetic goals. 

The good news, though, is that the treatment produces permanent results; once the Kybella destroys the fat cells, your body eliminates them from your body as waste. The only way the fullness will return is if you put on a lot of weight again.

If you’re looking to slim your jawline before the holidays, Med Physique Center for Aesthetics has the treatment for you — Kybella. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation with one of our aestheticians, give us a call at 512-212-3142, or book online with us today.

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